Open floor plan living room

Frequently Asked Questions

Offeroo is an online service to purchase Rights of First Offer (ROFOs) and make offers on off-market real estate. Our simple process gives buyers the opportunity to purchase any home, not just homes that are listed for sale.

All types of real estate buyers use Offeroo including first-time buyers, investment property buyers, vacation home buyers, corporate relocation divisions, and anyone looking to be first in line to purchase their desired property. Offeroo provides an innovative solution to today's challenging real estate market.

No! We can also assist with commercial real estate and land purchases.

Submitting a ROFO through Offeroo is totally free. The price of a ROFO is determined through negotiation between the prospective buyer and seller. Typically, ROFO prices start at around $2,000, but properties with higher values may warrant higher ROFO prices.

Submitting a tentative offer on an off-market property is totally free. If your offer is accepted by the homeowner and the home is purchased, Offeroo receives a fee paid by the agent handling the sale.

Your offer is not legally binding until you sign a contract. If your offer is accepted, your agent will guide you through the process which allows plenty of time to inspect the property and make changes to your offer.

You'll never know unless you try! If your initial offer doesn't succeed, don't be discouraged. Many homeowners are open to selling at the right price. Should your first ROFO get declined, we'll help you submit as many attempts as needed to secure your ROFO.

Research the market and make your offer close to market price. Offers that are too low might be dismissed outright, while those too high may result in overpaying. By offering close to the market price, you show the seller that you're serious and have done your homework.

Price is the most important factor in determining the success of an offer. Be sure to do adequate research before submitting your offer, and make sure your offer is realistic for the property you are trying to buy.

Know your budget
If you're a cash buyer, you already have an idea of how much you can spend on a house. If you will be applying for a mortgage and are not pre-approved, your agent can help you with pre-approval so you will know how much home you can afford.

Be flexible
Remember, it's likely that the homeowner wasn't planning to sell or move, so be flexible in your planning. This may mean pushing out your closing date to allow the homeowner time to find another home or changing inspection periods or other contingencies.

Listen to your agent
Your agent is a real estate professional specializing in the market in which the house you want to buy is located. They are here to help and want you to be successful in purchasing the home you want. Listen to their advice!

Yes, you can attempt to purchase multiple ROFOs or make multiple offers at any time.

Unlock Your Off-Market Real Estate Dreams

Experience the future of real estate, where your dreams are no longer bound by what's listed. Welcome to Offeroo, where your off-market real estate possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.